Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chain, chain, chain

I am a member of our local gem & mineral group and have met great, creative people through this venue. Jacolyn & Roger Campbell, both members as well, are a jewelry making couple! She specializes in wire wrapping and Roger is a champion at chain maille. Jacolyn teaches for us here, (her next scheduled class in April 18th) and Roger usually comes along and this last time he brought me some chain maille beads from brass. I was anxious to create something fabulous from them and here is my creation. I love chain and I love a brass finish. I also love to layer my vintage jewelry and this is the perfect piece to do this with. If you'd like to learn chain maille, Roger is a willing and able teacher too, just let us know and we will schedule a class.

If there is a Gem & Mineral group near you, I'd recommend it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I guess I'm an addict....

Funny thing, these beads. Yesterday, I went on a bead buying trip to a local vendor and came home with 3 large Ziploc bags full of beads. My son, who is home on spring break this week said, "Where did you go to buy all those beads?" I said, "This vendor sells from the basement in her home." He laughed and said it sounded like some kinda drug buy! Yeah, it's weighed in grams & kilos, it packaged in Ziploc bags, it cost a few bills, I went to the secret basement to buy.....and it's highly addictive! Yeah, you could classify it as a drug. Yeah, I'm a bead junkie, an addict. Too funny, but you know us obsessive compulsive types. I'm always looking for my next fix...gees it really IS like a drug! I wouldn't have it any other way! So to all you bead addicts out there, keep on beadin'. Last I checked you can't get arrested for it.